You can enhance the quality of customer communication with these components

You can enhance the quality of customer communication with RUBIN Customer Relationship Management

Transparency and knowledge work

The starting gun goes off for a successful acquisition project after having properly researched a contact address or after having received a business card along with a personal handshake. To achieve a high quality of communication and interaction from high quality data, it is not good enough to only know the business processes.

Knowledge processes incorporated into every process step are just as important. It is of the utmost importance to provide relevant information at just the right point in time. Therefore RUBIN is perfect for companies that have recognised the importance of transparent business and communication processes.

If in the course of active knowledge work every organisational step is geared to transparency, the comprehension of defined targets and the entire CRM process is improved. The fruit of knowledge work are motivated teams that can sense the connection between one another while working with CRM applications. RUBIN Customer Relationship Management actively supports your staff to manage customers and to make sales.


An Overview of range of functions

  • Creating and editing addresses professionally
  • Searching for existing addresses conveniently
  • Overviewing contact and order history quickly
  • Supporting multilingual business activities
  • Editing protocol addresses
  • Acquiring projects and events by taking a targeted approach
  • Managing campaigns related to events
  • Focusing on sales targets by means of leads
  • Supporting proactive sales activities with automated follow-ups
  • Classifying automatically based on rules
  • Allocating an unlimited number of additional criteria to an address
  • Selecting and establishing target groups using appropriate criteria
  • Transmitting emails and mailing letters
  • Supporting user-friendly telephony with CTI